Research 1

Raphael Santi (1483-1520)

Comparison (picture “Self-portrait 1”) and (picture “Self-portrait 2”).

“Self-portrait 1” depicts an adolescent male (13-20 years old) wearing a hat. His head is slightly tilted, his torso and head are turned to the right.

“Self-portrait 2” depicts a middle-aged man (approximately 30-35 years old) wearing a hat. His head is turned to the left and it is slightly tilted forward.

self portrait №2 rafaello sanzio raphael_2 self portrait №1 rafaello sanzio raphael_1
“Self-portrait 2”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
“Self-portrait 1”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
self portrait 2 rafaello sanzio raphael_2-1    
self portrait 1 rafaello sanzio raphael_1-1
“Self-portrait 2”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
“Self-portrait 1”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)


Evaluating the angle of the head tilt and the head turn

Рафаэль Санти Сравнение автопортретов1   
“Self-portrait 2”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
“Self-portrait 1”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)


Visual juxtaposition of the features.
Matching features are marked in red.
Рафаэль Санти Сравнение автопортретов2_1
“Self-portrait 2”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
“Self-portrait 1”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)



           Visual juxtaposition has revealed the following general matching features: an oval face shape, medium fullness of the face, in general average facial features, hair configuration (straight) as well as the following specific features:

1 – chin contour is triangular with a vaguely defined dimple,

2 – lower lip vermilion is curvy, the width is medium,

3 – mouth contour is wavy, lip corners are lifted,

4 – upper lip vermilion is curvy,

5 – nose tip is rounded

6 – width of the root of the nose and the nose in general is medium, nasal bridge contour is straight,

7 – palpebral fissure contour is almond shaped, the degree of eye opening is medium, the shape of the inner corner of the eye,

8 – eyebrows contour is arch shaped, eyebrows position is horizontal, eyebrows length is medium,

9 – eyelids position, absence of overhanging

10 – under-eye bags prominence is medium

11 – nose wings are oval shaped

12 – presence of a philtrum


          Differences between these faces are:

- fullness of the chin as the presence of the second chin is visually noticeable in the painting,

- eye to eyebrow distance – in the drawing it is larger, in the painting it is medium,

- presence of a philtrum on the man’s face in the painting and the absence of one in the drawing.

Рафаэль Санти Сравнение автопортретов3
“Self-portrait 2”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)
“Self-portrait 1”
Raphael Santi (Raphael)

         Visual juxtaposition of the features. Different features are marked in blue.

           These differences are explained by age-related changes of the face in the painting, specifically by presence of wrinkles, change of the chin fullness caused by the lifestyle. Different eye to eyebrow distance may be the result of either age-related changes or the emotion depicted on the young man’s face which makes his eyebrow raised.

           The stated matching features are stable and individual. They suffice to draw a conclusion that the same face is depicted in the pictures in different life stages.


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  • В.C. Степин, А.В. Савушкин, А.Б. Зотов "Криминалистическое отождествление человека по разноракурсным фотопортретам"., М., 1992г.;
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Старший эксперт-криминалист майор полиции Михальченко Ирина Игоревна г.Санкт-Петербург; 

Начальник экспертно-криминалистического отдела полковник полиции Соколов Алексей Вячеславович г.Тюмень. 

Искусствовед, заведующая научно-фондовым отделом коллекций изобразительных искусств ГАУК ТО "Музейный комплекс им. И.Я. Соловцова" г.Тюмень Сергейчук Татьяна Александровна.